There are many ways in which you can help to make a difference to people in south-west Uganda and support our vital work. Virtually every penny given to Christian Development Uganda goes straight to Uganda. Administrative costs in the UK are nearly all met by the trustees.
Regular Giving
Regular monthly gifts help us to plan our support more effectively and make our work sustainable. We seek to provide regular on-going funding for the salaries of the main staff workers at Word and Deed Uganda; for uniforms, materials and food for school children; and for health initiatives in Batwa communities.
One-off donations
One-off gifts are also most welcome and will be added to our general fund to boost monthly remittances.
You could also give an Alternative Gift (see below).
How to give
You can give via our Stewardship account, or set up a standing order with your bank, or make a direct payment to our CAF bank account (Christian Development Uganda, Account number 00011431, Sort Code 40-52-40).
Please consider enabling us to collect Gift Aid on your donation if you are a UK taxpayer, using our Gift Aid form