Our patron is Right Reverend Paul Butler.

Our trustees are:

Colin Townsend (Chairman)

Sue Townsend (Secretary)

Mick Lloyd (Treasurer)

Esther Byrom

Angus Fynes-Clinton

Betsy Glasgow-Vasey

Trustees visit Uganda regularly and we encourage visits from supporters, donors and potential donors to experience the ministry, which is entirely in the hands of the WADU team.

Our Name and Logo

Mike Henderson

Helen Peachey

Mike Peachey

Kate Potter

Roger Smith

Our logo shows not just our name but the national bird, the Crowned Crane. This bird was chosen as Uganda’s national symbol because of its humble nature and the way it walks: gently, slowly, one step at a time. The crane in our logo also includes the colours of the Ugandan flag. The logo was designed by Rebecca J Hall.

© 2022 Christian Development Uganda

Statement of Faith

Registered Charity Number 1011451

Our Mission

We are a UK Christian Charity with over thirty years of experience working with local partners in Uganda seeking to change lives, transform communities and build hope. We are committed to sharing the Christian faith and enabling local partners in their ministry of evangelism and community development among some of the neediest rural communities in the Kabale and Rubanda districts of south-west Uganda.

Our Partner

Our partner is Word and Deed Uganda, a local Ugandan Christian non-governmental organisation (NGO), known as WADU.  WADU believes that the Word of God leads to deeds and actions that can bring about fully transformed lives even among the neediest. WADU’s ministry focuses on the neglected Batwa, hunter gatherer communities of south-west Uganda, who are among the poorest in the world.

We support this valuable ministry by fundraising, prayer, and encouragement. With WADU, we strive to bring about positive change by facilitating education, promoting health initiatives, improving living conditions and supporting a variety of other community-based projects.

Our Trustees

Christian Development Uganda refers to two aspects of development:

Development of people as Christians, or “spiritual development”.

Development in living standards, generally from a very low threshold.

Newsletters and Reports from Visitors

Here are two reports on the 2023 trip to Uganda.  The first is by Mike Peachey, who is one of the trustees of the charity, and whose report can be accessed here.  The second is by Dr Mike Dobson, a long-term supporter of the charity; his report can be accessed here.

Christian Development Uganda 2023 Annual Report can be accessed here.

Privacy Policy

Safeguarding Policy

An abbreviated report on the recent 2024 visit can be accessed here.

Our recent newsletter can be accessed here.